员工行为准则 - Interactions with Students

海德罗伊斯学校鼓励学生结业, 温暖的, and considerate relationship between students and teachers and staff. Our employees serve as the students’ role models, guides and mentors in learning as well as living. 这些指导方针的目的是为员工和学生之间的适当行为和界限提供明确的指导. 本文件所载的行为期望并不打算作为要求的详尽清单, 限制, or prohibitions on staff conduct and activities established by the School. 相反,它们的目的是:

  • 提醒员工注意师生关系中一些更敏感和经常有问题的问题;
  • 明确与教师/学生关系有关的界限,以及违反公认的行为规范和与教师的职责和责任相冲突的行为
  • professional educators; and
  • 为员工提供清晰的指导,指导他们以一种反映高水准专业精神的方式行事.

对于学校来说,保持一种全校范围的文化是很重要的,在这种文化中,学生和员工明白他们有责任报告不当行为,而不必担心遭到报复. In order to prevent abuse and/or exploitation, 学生和专业人士必须知道,当他们举报可能的不当行为时,政府会支持他们. Although this policy gives clear direction regarding appropriate conduct between employees and students, 每个员工都有义务避免可能引起学校社区其他成员怀疑的情况. 在评估你的行为是否恰当时,一个可以快速应用的有用标准是问问你自己, “Would I be doing this if the student’s family or my colleagues or family were standing next to me?”.

If an employee experiences a difficult situation related to boundaries, the employee should ask for advice from a supervisor, 系主任或校长.



Some activities may seem innocent from an employee's perspective, but can be perceived as flirtation or sexual insinuation from a student or parent point of view, 因此,员工不应该从事任何类型的行为,可能有不适当的外观,如果别人观察到. 以下适当界限的例子的目的不是限制员工和学生之间的积极关系, but to avoid situations that may be seen as inappropriate. 员工必须了解他们自己的责任,以确保他们不跨越教师/学生关系的界限. 因此, 至关重要的是,所有员工都要彻底了解这项政策,并将可接受和不可接受的行为清单应用到他们的日常活动中.

尽管善意的, heartfelt interaction with students certainly fosters learning, student/employee interactions must always be guided by appropriate boundaries regarding

  • 只在适当的场合见面:
    • 员工不应单独与学生在非公共场所或关着门的房间内,除非该空间或房间可以透过窗户看到. 据了解,教师可能会在课堂时间之外与学生会面以进行教育,其中一些会议将涉及一对一的会议. Any such private meeting with a student should, 只要有可能, 门开着或在公共场所发生. If the circumstances require the door to be closed because additional privacy is needed, the meeting should be in a room with a window in the door that should remain uncovered, and the door to the room should remain unlocked.
    • 没有家长/监护人的书面(电子邮件/短信就足够了)许可和校长的批准,员工不得允许学生乘坐员工的私家车. 即使得到许可, an employee should not be alone in a car with a student and should not ride in a student's car. If a situation arises that requires deviation from this rule, the employee involved should get permission from their supervisor.
    • Employees should not be present at a student’s home when a parent/《4001百老汇会员登录》 is not present, 不管是社交聚会还是其他场合. 除了, 未经校长批准及家长书面(电子邮件/短信即可)同意,员工不得邀请学生到家中度假或其他场合. 最后, employees should never have only one student alone at their home, nor should they have students to their homes at all unless there is another adult present.
    • 员工不得在未经家长同意的情况下单独与学生在校园里或离开学校.
  • 限制身体接触:
    • Employees should not discipline students in any physical manner.
    • Employees should not have physical contact with a student, 除了偶尔的支持, 祝贺的, 或者快速拥抱, 手臂挤, or a pat on the back is permissible if welcome by the student. Patting of the buttocks with a hand even in an athletic context is prohibited. Note: If a student engages in repeated and/or prolonged physical contact with a School employee, the employee should clearly and firmly discourage such behavior and should notify a supervisor.
    • Employees should not engage in physical horseplay, 打闹嬉戏, or other inappropriate physical games with a student.
  • Remember Your Role Is as an Educator, not a Parent, Peer or Friend:
    • 员工不应该因为与学校无关的原因与学生在校外“闲逛”,也不应该花过多的时间与学生“闲逛”,即使是在校园内. 学校里的成年人应该永远记住,他们不是学生的“朋友”,因此不应该与学生有类似同伴的行为.
    • An employee should not give gifts to an individual student that are of a personal or intimate nature.
    • Employees should not provide alcohol or drugs to a student, nor permit a student to drink or use drugs in their presence.
    • 员工不应指示学生对其父母或其他学校员工保守秘密或隐瞒信息.
    • Employees should not seek emotional involvement with a student for the employee's benefit.
    • Employees should not make or participate in sexually inappropriate comments or conversations; make sexual jokes, 故事, 或者带有性暗示的评论;
    • Teachers should not use sexual or inappropriate material as part of a class lesson, even as a joke.
    • Employees should not discuss their personal troubles or intimate issues with a student.
    • Employees should not gossip with students about other students or adults in the
    • 学校社区.
  • 避免个人电子通讯:
    • Employees should not engage with students via their personal social media accounts and should not friend, follow or send personal social media messages to students.
    • 员工不应使用个人电子邮件或短信与学生沟通,而应使用学校的电子邮件和通信系统. (在校外或紧急情况下,允许使用有限的短信安排学校活动的后勤工作, but employees should generally use group text functions in such circumstances).
    • Employees should not send emails to students if the content is not about School activities.
  • Maintain Boundaries on Overnight Trips and Sleepovers:
    • Employees should sleep in a separate room from students, should not invite a student to sleep in the employee's room, 不应该单独与学生在学生的房间里,不应该在学生换衣服或睡觉时进入学生的房间.
    • 员工不应该通过身体接触来唤醒学生(但可以通过大声敲门或叫学生来唤醒学生)。.
    • Employees should not appear unclothed or partially unclothed in front of a student. 因此, 通宵旅行和在外过夜, employees should not walk around outside of their sleeping quarters unclothed or partially unclothed.
  • Remember Special Boundaries Issues for Athletic Activities:
    • 在运动设施中, employees should not shower or change in locker rooms when students are present.
    • 员工应该监督更衣室, 必要时, 防止不当行为和伤害, and should do so by announcing their presence as they enter, unless to do so would undermine their ability to discover the misbehavior suspected.
    • 教练员和其他体育工作人员在进行其他允许的身体接触时不应单独与学生在一起, 比如在教授一项技能时.

These boundary guidelines may not be applicable if the employee is the parent, 《4001百老汇会员登录》, 或者是学生的兄弟姐妹. 然而, all School employees must remain mindful of their interaction with any student, even their own child(ren) or friends of their own child(ren), 在学校内外. 有家庭成员在学校上课的员工应向学校校长或人力资源总监咨询有关此政策的任何问题.


所有员工都有责任执行这一政策,并必须立即向人力资源总监报告任何可疑的违规行为, 部门主管, 或校长. 在某些情况下, 员工也有义务按照规定的报告要求报告此类行为。学校不会对任何根据本政策提出投诉或参与调查的个人进行报复, and will take disciplinary action against anyone who retaliates against a person in violation of this policy.